Join the world of Jujutsu Kaisen 0 with Nendoroid Yuta Okkotsu, the protagonist of the anime movie. This Nendoroid captures Yuta s character with multiple face plates and accessories, allowing you to recreate his memorable moments on your display shelf. Product Highlights: Authentic Representation: Nendoroid Yuta Okkotsu faithfully recreates the character s appearance from Jujutsu…
Nendroid Nagisa Shiota I think… I have a talent for killing people. From the anime series Assassination Classroom comes a Nendoroid of Class 3-E Seat Number 11, Nagisa Shiota! He comes with three face plates including a standard face, a blushing face and a cunning face. The Nendoroid comes with a gun and knife—essential tools…
Nendroid Shalltear I m cruel, cold, and terrible. As well as quite a beautiful little monster. From the anime series Overlord IV comes a Nendoroid of Shalltear! She comes with three face plates including a standard face, a glaring face and an ecstatic face. Her umbrella and encyclopedia are included as optional parts. Be sure…